City of Belmont
Achieved AARP/World Health Organization (WHO) age-friendly community designation on September 6, 2022.
Please watch the following video to learn more about Belmont’s journey to join the WHO/AARP age-friendly network:
Domain: Communication and Information

The intention of Belmont’s age-friendly project is to expand existing communication channels to improve connections with our older adult population to raise awareness of existing and upcoming events, services and resources available in the City and County. Broadening awareness will also result in increased accessibility. The following are some of the efforts and updates (not a comprehensive list):
- Coordinate improved senior outreach with City’s new Communications Specialist
- Create an online resource repository: City website will link to Senior Resources page that list all resources available for older adults within and near Belmont.
- Develop programming that reflects the needs of Belmont’s active adult population
- Expand collaboration with community partners to communicate about resources, services, and activities to older adult residents.
- Commit to working with the City residents and organizations to facilitate the introduction of multicultural programs to expand cultural awareness and highlight diversity.
- Create additional gathering places in new and existing parks per recommendations from an updated Parks and Recreation Open Spaces Master Plan
- Research successful and best practice communication methods that other age-friendly communities have implemented with their older adult residents.
- Expand collaboration with community partners to communicate about resources, services, and activities to older adult residents.
Increased efforts will also be made to improve awareness of valuable services specific to particular demographics such as the following:
Belmont TRAC Program (Tracking and Recovery of Adults & Children). This program is designed to assist folks with memory or cognitive disorders. The City issues the family a GPS tracking device (free of charge) plus a one-year subscription to the service. This program is particularly helpful for those in our community who suffer from Alzheimer’s and Dementia.