Town of Colma

Achieved AARP/World Health Organization (WHO) age-friendly community designation on September 9, 2020. As of March 2023, the Town of Colma has submitted its Age-Friendly Action Plans to AARP.

All inaugural age-friendly projects COMPLETED

Please watch the following video to learn more about Colma’s journey to join the WHO/AARP age-friendly network:

    Domain: Transportation

Age-Friendly Cities: Transportation

Subcategory: Mobility and Pedestrian Safety 

Transportation and mobility are key barriers for older persons in Colma who enjoy walking or no longer drive. These barriers include safety issues, trip hazards, and lack of rest spots along sidewalks. An extensive list of mechanisms was put into place to facilitate collaborative planning and implementation between different agencies and departments.  (Note: This project has been completed and Colma has made a decision to continue their efforts in this area.)

    Domain: Social Participation

Age-Friendly Cities: Social Participation

Subcategory: Socially Isolated Adults

Despite solid support and accommodation regarding social participation opportunities for Colma’s older adult population, participation has been limited to a small percentage. Project focus was to identify seniors who are isolated and to learn what these older adults need regarding services and social activities both currently and as they age. They can then be connected to appropriate services, activities or a friendly caller/visitor. Some of these older adults do not answer the door or the phone so individual door hangers were left and notes were placed under doors with simple boxes to check with their responses.  

Backup projects (to be considered once inaugural projects are completed)


Subcategory: Intergenerational Activities

Although Colma offers events that are cross-generational, focus group comments reflected a need to offer more intergenerational opportunities for ongoing interaction between older adults and other generations. This would be approached in two phases: i) Research and determination of intergenerational activities to be offered through the Recreational Department (post-COVID), ii) the city would then include multiple activities in the Activity Brochure that helps bridge the intergenerational gap.

    Domain: Communication and Information

Age-Friendly Cities: Communication and Information

Subcategory: Community Support and Health Services

Information on valuable services is not easy accessible to older adults. There is a need for centralized resources as related to community activities and services. Approach will including researching collaboration/partnership opportunities and best practices to determine and implement a plan of centralizing information. 

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